Shri Kanduka Stuti

॥ श्रीकन्दुकस्तुतिः ॥

अम्बरगङ्गाचुम्बितपादः पदतलविदलितगुरुतरशकटः ।
काळियनागक्ष्वेलनिहन्ता सरसिजनवदलविकसितनयनः ॥ १ ॥

अम्बरगङ्गा – the sky; चुम्बित – having kissed; पादः – foot; पदतल – sole of the foot; विदलित – powdered; गुरुतर – heavy; शकटः – cart; काळियनाग – the serpent Kaaliya; क्ष्वेल – poison/venom; निहन्ता – annihilator; सरसिज – lotus; नवदल – fresh petal; विकसित – blossomed; नयनः – one with such eyes;

With feet that kissed the sky, the sole of whose foot powdered the heavy cart and annihilated the venom of Kaaliya Naaga, His eyes are like fresh petals of a blossomed lotus.

कालघनालीकर्बुरकायः शरशतशकलितसुररिपुनिवहः ।
सन्ततमस्मान् पातु मुरारिः सततगसमजवखगपतिनिरतः ॥ २ ॥

काल – black; घनाली – cluster of clouds; कर्बुर – gold; कायः – (one with such a) body; शरशत – hundreds of arrows; शकलित – cut into pieces; सुररिपुनिवहः – enemies of the Suras; सन्ततम् – always/continuously; अस्मान् – us; पातु – may protect; मुरारिः – the foe of Muraari; सततग – the wind; समजव – the same speed; खगपति – the master of the wind (Garuda); निरतः – one who is situated;

"With a body having the complexion of gold and a cluster of black clouds, the one who slashed the enemies of the Suras into pieces with hundreds of arrows – May Muraari continuously protect us, who is situated on Khagapati (Garuda), with the speed of the wind."

इति श्रीमदानन्दतीर्थभगवत्पादाचार्यविरचिता कन्दुकस्तुतिः ॥

Thus is the Kanduka Stuti composed by Shrimat Aananda Teertha Bhagavatpaada Aachaarya.