Our Publications
Basics of Tattvavaada
These books are apt for beginners who wish to learn about the philosophy of Tattvavaada in general and have newly come to the path of Vaishnava Dharma.
The Tattvavaadi Vaishnava Handbook
A guide for Maadhvas and other Vaishnavas in general, deekshitas and adeekshitas, Dvijas and Advijas, on basic rituals, mantras, prayers and procedures.
An Introduction to the Tattvavaada Darshana
If you're absolutely new to Shri Madhvaachaarya's philosophy or even Hinduism in general, this book is apt for you, to gain a basic understanding.
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Basic Samskrta Guide
A short guide on basic knowledge of Samskrta and pronunciation of Samskrta words.
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Shaastra Granthas
The Bhagavat Geeta with the Commentaries of Shri Madhvaachaarya
The Bhagavat Geeta, perhaps the most important and fundamental text for comprehending Vedaanta, has been commented upon by numerous philosophers. This book presents the Bhagavat Geeta, with the bhaashya and Taatparyya Nirnnaya of Shri Madhvaachaarya, with additional explanations. It is aimed to be helpful for newbies especially to gain a basic understanding of the philosophy of Tattvavaada.
Shri Vishnu Puraana: Amsha 6
The 6th and last section of the Vishnu Puraana, written by Vyaasa Deva, frequently quoted by Vaishnava Aachaaryas and providing the best insights into philosophy and spirituality, especially with respect to Vaishnava Dharma.
Extracts from the Varaaha Puraana
Important Adhyaayas of the Varaaha Puraana, including the Rudra Geeta, with added explanations.
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Applied Shaastra Jnaana
This is a series of our books providing directly and practically applicable insights and teachings from the Shaastras which would be highly effective. It is only the Hindu Shaastras which have extremely practical philosophical knowledge which is applicable in nearly every situation. Most of the problems we face in the present times have been directly answered by the Rshis and Devatas, thousands of years ago. Yet, due to lack of access to these, many have been unable to utilize it. Thus, this series of publications aims to provide this knowledge in a manner easily comprehensible to all.
Developing Discipline and Consistency
A common problem many face today is that they start a new good habit and work enthusiastically in the beginning, but end up reducing their efforts and giving up on it with time, being unable to maintain discipline in their actions. The solution to this has been provided directly in the Shaastras, especially the Bhagavat Geeta, explicitly. This book highlights it and explains how one can cultivate self-discipline and consistency in our daily actions and routines.
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