Achyuta Bhakti Deets E-Library

Achyuta Bhakti Deets is a project to spread the knowledge of Sanaatana Dharma, the Shaastras and the Siddhaanta of Tattvavaada.This is our E-Library, where one can access several texts. The Shaastras can also be viewed in five different scripts. The E-Library is currently work-in-progress and so, new content is being added regularly.

Bhagavat Geeta

Attention: Work-in-progress and not functional

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The Sarvamoola Granthas of Shri Madhvaachaarya

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Shaiva Sarvasva Khandanam

A text by Shri Vijayeendra Teertharu, refuting arguments of Shaiva philosophies against Shri Vishnu's Supremacy.

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The Tattvavaadi Vaishnava Handbook

A guide with all important prayers, Stotras and daily rituals to be practiced by Maadhvas and other Vaishnavas in general. Available in English, Hindi and Kannada.

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